SCF - Software Carpentry Foundation
SCF stands for Software Carpentry Foundation
Here you will find, what does SCF stand for in Institution under Education category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Software Carpentry Foundation? Software Carpentry Foundation can be abbreviated as SCF What does SCF stand for? SCF stands for Software Carpentry Foundation. What does Software Carpentry Foundation mean?Software Carpentry Foundation is an expansion of SCF
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Alternative definitions of SCF
- sectional center facility
- Super Critical Fluid
- Switched Capacitor Frequency
- Services To Children And Families
- Standard Cubic Feet
- Standard Cubic Foot
- Skin Cancer Foundation
- Student Christian Fellowship
View 147 other definitions of SCF on the main acronym page
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- STSGC STS Gaea Capital
- SHS Scott High School
- SCS Shalom Co Sas
- SSSQ Stark Security Services Qatar
- SYG Sanaa Youth Group
- SMA Senior Mortgage Advisors
- SPL Scotia Personnel Ltd.
- SBS Spot Buy Spot
- SIC The Star Inn the City
- SCW Smart City Works
- SLC Serendipity Loving Care
- SACL St Annes Contractors Ltd.
- STC The Stretch Tent Company
- STPL Synthesis Technology Pvt. Ltd.
- SCHTF Stark County Hunger Task Force
- STNEL Sun Tv Network Europe Limited